GDPR and how to get compliant with it.

In this post we are going to share the step by step GDPR Preparation checklist. In case you are not yet ready it will be helpful and if you are ready just go through the list, Let us know if there were any additional measures you took which we have failed to include in the list and help your peers in getting GDPR ready.

Spot Faking Videos: TED 2018

So, now if you see Gandhi speaking about how he won the freedom for India, or if you see Newton taking one of the classes on gravity and physics, don’t be surprised. Although the innovations keep emerging, the Google stays on the top of the list of Silicon Valley Giants….

Analytics for Mobile Apps

Mobile analytics is a sea full of fishes (numbers) that you may want to reel out sooner or later. Although, apparently this sea is not full of fishes meant for all kinds of fishermen. So for you, the first thing you need to decide is what kind of fisherman are…

Internet Of Things

IOT- Internet Of Things Technology is accelerating… Internet of things, simply, is the connection of every object on earth. But what does this connection mean as far as your business is concerned? The very essence of IOT is ‘transforming things into connected services’. According to Jehangir Mohammed of CISCO. This…

Google Analytics- Features

Google Analytics -Features   Ideally, any and all kinds of business decisions should rely heavily on statistics and concrete data. This not only improves the quality of decisions but also speeds up decision-making process overall. Insight Based – Data  Driven decisions are crucial irrespective of the size of your business….

Bluetooth Low Energy & Mesh Networking

Bluetooth Low energy & Mesh Networking Bluetooth has been one of those standard applications that has really helped us get things connected especially in the body of area networks and get our local things put together but classic Bluetooth was really designed to replace cables and it covers many protocols…

Marketing is Mobility

Marketing is Mobility, and what’s more proficiently mobile than a smartphone!   The world is turning mobile first, and naturally, businesses are following suit. In 2017, Mobile marketers are going to make the best bet by enhancing their strategies and leveraging maximum advantage of people’s mobile-friendly approach to daily life….

Smart Social Media For Websites

Why social media should be called Smart Social Media, Most of us by now are pretty familiar with the term social media and its uses. However with the great expanse of possibilities that reach out to marketers and businesses over all, social media has really transformed into something that  is…