Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure And It’s Working

Overview Microsoft Azure, also known as Azure, is a cloud computing service developed by Microsoft. Cloud computing technologies and systems are gaining popularity in a variety of industries today. It acts as the backbone of new digital ventures’ IT infrastructure. These platforms and software have…

Java, microsoft, azure

Microsoft returns to Java, with an Azure-focused OpenJDK update

Overview A few weeks ago, an anonymous Twitter account told the tale of an almost-forgotten Microsoft April Fool’s joke: the 1996 seeding of empty containers of a “Microsoft Espresso” Java development instrument in Seattle. At that time, the pranksters were unaware that Microsoft was developing…

data lineage

Data lineage: What it is and why it’s important?

Overview The path that data takes from conception to transformation over time will be referring to as data lineage. It describes the origin, movement, features, and consistency of a dataset. Databases excel at inserting, modifying, querying, removing, and representing data throughout its current state. Data…

Data analytics

All About Data Analytics:

Overview The word data analytics refers to the process of analyzing datasets in order to draw conclusions about the information contained within them. You can use data analytic techniques to take raw data and discover trends in order to gain useful insights. Many data analytics…


Python celebrated its 30th birthday on 20th February 2021

Overview  Python language meets all requirements without errors appearing. It knows what you coded for and makes programming easier for developers. There are no too many protocols in the syntax. Thus, it’s a favorite language for developers. Python is so simple and easy to learn….

JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks: Angular vs. Vue vs. React:

Overview When you think about the JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, the first thing to remember is that they hold the same principle at their core: data binding. In the past ten years, Angular, React, and Vue are still some of the most…

iOS 12 Security
Logo design

Effective Tips for Designing Logo

Overview A business logo is the first thing consumers can see when they are introduced to a new brand or company. Modern companies rely heavily on effective communication with their future customers. Marketers develop methods to ensure that their audience can interact in a number…

Firefox 70
Boost javascript performance


Introduction Warp update to the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine on the Firefox 83 browser. This update offers improved JavaScript performance to Firefox users. It enables by default with a Warp update to the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. We can also call it as WarpBuilder; by making modifications…